What is QC 4-H Community Club?
Every Quarter, All Queen Creek 4-H Members come together to laugh, learn, & serve. Together we use our HEADS to come up with great ideas; our HEARTS to show loyalty to one another; our HANDS to work our hardest; & our HEALTH to make things better for our Club, our Community, our Country, and our World!
This year, our Meeting dates are:
10/14/2024: Community Club Kick-off (With Officer Elections)
1/27/2025: Game Palooza
3/24/2025: Gear Up for the Fair
5/19/2025: Year End Recognitions
Mandatory Club Meetings are held in the Zane Grey room at the Queen Creek Library. They run from 6:30-7:45 p.m. .
Our Club in the Community:
“Trick or Treat So Others Can Eat” is a door-to-door food drive sponsored by your local 4-H club in conjunction with 4-H members from across Maricopa County
Queen Creek offers various opportunities to work together with your club, whether recruiting Members in the 4-H Zone on Founder's Day, or Decorating a holiday float members can ride/follow down the route.
General Projects:
Self-Directed 4-H Members, are given the tools and opportunity to successfully enter the Maricopa County Fair under the category of "General Projects."
Members can show off their Fine Art, Photography, Culinary Creations, Handicrafts, and other creative talents. Youth must indicate interest by 12/31/2024 in order to compete at County Fair. To get involved, please contact: leaderqc4h@gmail.com
Separate Entry Fees payable at time of County Fair.